With a solid journalism background while working as a model, photographer, and actress, Cassie Hepler offers a rare behind-the-scenes insight into all sides of each world.
My hourly local rates are $150 for an hour, half-day (four hours) at $600, and full-day (eight hours) from $1200, depending on usage. If I am traveling out of my area, all travel expenses must be covered (i.e. flight, hotel, gas, tolls, and food). Rates are negotiable depending on the project, so please inquire for details. I am happy to work within your budget, as I am an artist at heart.
Shoots can be up to and including tasteful nudes. I can also do my own make-up, hair, and wardrobe/set styling if needed but prefer working with professionals as it gives that extra zing to the finished photos. If you need a studio or place to shoot, I know many local studio owners, photographers, and artists in Phoenix, Arizona.